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Occasionally, CORAS members are asked to testify before Legislative Committees.

Information on procedures to testify can be located by calling the office of your elected representative, however, some specifics are that:

1) Testimony may be limited to five minutes.

2) Written-only testimony is always welcome.

3) If submitting written testimony, please submit said testimony 48 hours in advance by sending an electronic copy of said testimony to the specific committee you will be addressing, doing so allows time to upload your testimony so that the Members can review it prior to your in-person testimony

Past Testimonies


Fair School Funding and Healthy School Meals
for All in the FY 24-25 State Budget 
Testimony was provided to the Ohio House Finance Subcommittee on Primary and Secondary Education (3/23/2023) by Superintendent Doug Hale, key Chesapeake staff, and four Chesapeake Sophomores – Avonn Booker, Drew Plantz, Mylee Hall, Erin Hicks –  who were participants in the OSU Student Research Leadership Collaborative. Their testimonies begin at timestamp 3:28:35. 


Fair School Funding and Healthy School Meals
for All in the FY 24-25 State Budget 

Testimony was provided to the Ohio House Finance Committee (3/29/2023) by Superintendent Doug Hale and Chesapeake Sophomore Drew Plantz, a participant in the OSU Student Research Leadership Collaborative. Their testimonies begin at timestamp 1:09:11.


Appalachian Accelerated School Building
Assistance Program

Testimony was provided to the Ohio Senate Finance Committee (5/31/2023) by Superintendent Nick Detwiller,  Eastern Meigs Junior Rylee Barrett, and Superintendent Jeff Greenly. Superintendent Dewtiller and Rylee Barrett’s testimonies begin at timestamp 46:12 and Superintendent Greenly’s testimony begins at timestamp 1:30:00. 


Fair School Funding in the FY 24-25 State Budget 

Testimony was provided to the Ohio Senate Finance Committee (5/31/2023) by Superintendent Monte Bainter and Superintendent Jeff Greenly. Superintendent Bainter’s testimony begins at timestamp 56:00 and Superintendent Greenly’s testimony begins at timestamp 1:30:00. 


Senate Bill 104 - College Credit Plus 

Testimony was provided to the Ohio Senate Workforce and Higher Education Subcommittee (6/21/2023) by Superintendents Marc Kreischer, Kyle Newton and Chuck Rinkes. Their testimonies begin at timestamp 33:36.


ESSA recommendations
Dr. Stephanie Starcher and Kyle Newton


Dalton Summers Testimony


New Lexington Letter


East Guernsey Testimony


Symmes Valley Testimony


Rock Hill Local


Zane Trace Local Testimony


Franklin Local Letter


Crooksville Testimony


Noble Local Testimony


Thomas J. Gibbs Opponent Testimony

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